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Basic structure of CT tube
- 2022-08-12-

CT tubeIt is mainly composed of tube core, tube sleeve, radiator, insulating oil and some subordinate accessories. The tube core isCT tubeThe central part is composed of anode and cathode.

The die used in the CT machine is a rotating anode die, which is mainly composed of a bearing, a target surface, and a rotor. The characteristic of this die is that it can operate with a larger current under a small focus.

As we all know, metal can conduct heat and also has thermal resistance. When the die works at a small focus and high current, high temperature will be generated on the target surface. Assuming that the bombardment position of the electron beam is changing, the change point ring can When working with a higher current, the heat generated by the target surface has time to conduct to the inside of the metal.

CT tubeIts essence is a high-vacuum cathode ray 2-pole tube that can generate X-rays. Its working process can be simply described as: the cathode filament is heated under a current of 12V, and free electrons are generated and collected from time to time. At this time, the high voltage (40 -150KV) acting on the cathode and anode, due to the large potential difference, the free electron beam will collide from the cathode to the anode under a strong electric field, and at the same time, energy exchange will be generated, and 1% of the electric energy will be converted into X-rays, and the emission will be stopped from the window. The other 99 percent is converted to heat and remains on the anode. Therefore, both the heat capacity and the heat dissipation rate are very important for the die.

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