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Heat capacity of CT tube
- 2022-08-12-

heat capacity isCT tubeOne of the important parameters. In order to weigh the size of the tube, generally speaking, the larger the heat capacity, the more capacity it can carry heat, the stronger the ability to use, and the longer the service life. The heat capacity of the tube is usually 23.5MHu, and the heat capacity of the CT tube used in high-end equipment is 58MHu.

16-slice spiral CT is a cost-effective CT model currently on the market regardless of economic or clinical considerations. It is used in cerebrovascular diseases, precise examination of the inner ear, differential diagnosis of early lung lesions, liver examination, and lower extremity vascular lesions. , bone tissue lesions examination and many other aspects, 16-slice CT can be properly handled to meet the full clinical application.

At present, the heat capacity of the 16-slice spiral CT tube on the market is roughly 2MHu5.3MHu. So how to choose which tube CT, need to consider the following aspects.

First of all, 3D image reconstruction requires a tube with higher heat capacity and a faster heat dissipation rate. 3D image is a common function of 16-slice CT. In order to obtain a more accurate 3D reconstruction image, it is necessary to perform continuous thin layers of small lesions in a large area. Scanning, which is inseparable from the support of the large heat capacity tube for continuous scanning.

Secondly, the daily diagnostic volume is small and not equal to the selection of tubes with small heat capacity. For example, during the peak period of scanning, 2 consecutive liver stage 3 scans, and even one emergency patient scan after liver stage 3, the heat capacity of the tube is too high in these scenarios. Low heat will inevitably lead to thermal maintenance of the tube, so the use of a low heat capacity tube not only increases the waiting time of patients, but also increases the potential risk of timely diagnosis of emergency patients.

Furthermore,CT tubeThe long-term high thermal capacity load operation of the tube has a direct impact on the image quality and tube life. Especially for thin people scanning, more incident photons are required to generate a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio, so that the tube is overloaded and long-term not only