The innovation of high-end medical equipment in the whole chain is facing several "hurdles
- 2020-09-21-

The innovation of high-end medical equipment in the whole chain is facing several "hurdles

In recent years, my country has continued to improve the approval system and introduced policies to encourage hospital procurement, which has effectively promoted the accelerated development of domestic high-end medical devices. However, medical device companies in many places still generally report that the entire link from product development, clinical trials, registration review to hospital procurement is There are still many blocking points, the approval cycle of domestic innovative medical devices is long, and the bottleneck of unsaleable market sales has not been fundamentally broken, which still restricts the transformation of technological achievements of enterprises.CT tubeGrab the market with imported products.

High risk, high investment, difficult bank loan

An enterprise in the east has a 2M PET-CT molecular imaging device with completely independent intellectual property rights. One device can replace the traditional 5 PET-CT. The CT tube can save a lot of costs for the hospital. From the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and other places Scientific research and clinical institutions have expressed their desire to cooperate. The person in charge of the company said that due to the high cost of R&D and manufacturing, mass production will bring huge financial pressure to the company, and the price far higher than traditional equipment will also make it difficult for domestic scientific research institutions and hospitals to bear. Chongqing Yongrenxin Technology Co., Ltd. has filled the blank of artificial heart products in my country by introducing technology.

Zhang Benyan, chairman of the company, introduced that the clinical trial of the product is about to be completed, and the product will soon be mass-produced and launched. "The company's development investment in the first five years has exceeded 100 million yuan, and because there is no mortgage, it cannot get a loan from the bank, and the follow-up funds for mass production still exist. Question. "High-end medical equipment is a typical high-risk and high-investment industry. High-end medical equipment companies in Europe and the United States are mainly large multinational enterprises. Due to the late development of medical equipment in my country, the main innovation of CT tubes is mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly for medical equipment. The market segment is small, and the ability to resist risks is weak. The interviewed companies hope to provide financial support for major innovation projects of medical devices through the establishment of industrial development funds, government equity investment funds and other financial innovations.

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